There's no time like your twenties to start putting your money to work for you so that you can achieve your financial goals throughout your life. Developing good spending and saving habits, and learning to budget and invest during your twenties, can help you prevent needless debt, put away money for the things that are important to you, and take advantage of the power of compounding to amass a fortune for your future.
In fact, compounding of earnings is so powerful that those who start saving for retirement in their twenties can amass large nest eggs with relatively little effort, as long as they invest regularly.
For an example of the power of compounding, take a 25-year-old who invests $2,000 a year for eight years and never invests an additional dollar after the age of 33. He or she will earn more by the age of 65 than a 35-year-old who invests $2000 a year for 32 years, even though the 35-year-old invests four times as much.
Minggu, 09 September 2007
What happen if you 20s year old
Diposting oleh kecksuma di 02.16
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